Words of Wisdom

Youth is wasted on the young.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Letter I Would Like To Send

Lady, your lovely kid is a creature of relationship and habit. With all his challenges, he works best when he allows relationship to break down his walls and his fears. Over the past 18 months there has been a discontinuity of relationship: from my sessions to reading recovery; a new year group; two new teachers and the changes around hearing aids;  and back to sessions with me. And right now, when he is settled and there is continuity; right now when he is beginning to see gains, you want to move him.?!?!!
Why? Because we don't use the Listening Program? Because you don't see his progress????? He is making those small steps, which will turn into giant strides as he sees his own progress. He is happy in his relationships with teacher and support teacher.... And now you are about to undo all that?????
I am so angry with you. Apart from sending him to professionals, what are YOU doing to support his learning????
You didn't even come in to discuss it with us.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Teaching can be so heartbreaking sometimes. :-(